Greetings: was one mentioned as a new source by
some of the reenactors.
You can still find German stuff on eBay...but they are
either things which do not show the sigrunnen or the
swastika. Coins, some books, and the like can still be
sold. I have seen tunics and other items which don't
have any visible markings for sale. In fact, I just
got done selling some reproduction 1st. SS insignia
items ( shoulder boards, cuff title, and rank insignia
) without a problem.
I guess it falls to what you are selling, how you word
it, and what you show that determines if you get your
auction smoked or not.
--- wrote:
> Someone passed along an auction website that was
> formed to handled the WWII
> German items that Eaby banned. Anyone recall what it
> was?
> Thank You.
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