Re: [MV] Possibly OT: Opinions, please?? Local "code enforcement" idiots trying to steal your MV'

From: Jumpmaster (
Date: Mon Aug 27 2001 - 07:43:13 PDT

--- Mykel <> wrote:
> Please keep in mind in fighting "City Hall" that
> while you can write all the letters to the Prez
> telling him what a lousy job he is doing and that
> you will never ever vote for him and will vote and
> support his opponent, you NEVER, EVER want to piss
> off the local cop or you might as well just move
> outta town.

I'm giving this strong consideration anyway...Bryan
(right next door to College Station) isn't quite this
rabid about "code enforcement"...:-)

> I concur about the lack of liberty however consider
> the following: 1) maybe it's your neighbors who are
> complaining to the local authorities?,

Not likely...I pointed out to the CE moron that my
neighbor across the street has a Bronco that has sat
idle for years and years. Her response was, "Oh, I've
spoken with that gentleman about that..."

"REALLY? Is that so? Didn't you think "Cindy" was a
little strange for a MAN'S name???" (She just told me
a bald-faced lie. The Bronco belongs to a single, there isn't any way a man would have been
over there she could have talked to. She knew I
caught her in a lie and was very quick to change the

Anyway, that just goes to show what type of people
these code enforcement types are. I just spoke with
the Attorney's office and they're going to check on
the text of the ordinance and get back to me. I got
off the phone with the fire marshall this morning and
he just told me (in effect) that they had interpreted
the word "and" in the ordinance to mean "or".
Hopefully, this will be straightened out soon.

If you read the text of the ordinance I originally
posted, it says that both of those criteria must be
met for it to be considered a "junk vehicle". If you
follow that logic, that means that if either one is
met, it IS NOT a junk vehicle. The fire marshall just
told me that isn't so and that it needs both (operable
-and- registered or inspected).

> 2) Follow the money, can the local govt. make a buck
> on personal property/vehicle tax?,

They could...I guess what irritates me is the
selective enforcement. There are MANY other vehicles
on my street that are in dire need of attention. My
Mustang looks and runs great. There are cars on my
street that have grass growing up through the engine
compartment whose owners are not being harassed. I
just don't get all seems pretty fishy to me.

> 3) In complaining to the City Manager/Mayor, whether
> you win or lose, you don't ever want to have a fire
> at your residence or a heart attack where you need
> immediate emergency assistance from the Fire
> Department!

True. It seems they can treat their citizens like
crap at will. The fire marshall is a real winner. He
was borderline combative when I talked to him earlier.
 I showed him a very high degree of deference
when I spoke with him and he was downright ugly.

Thanks for the reply...the city attorney's office is
supposed to let me know how they interpret it later
this week. I think most people with a command of the
English language would probably construe "and" to mean
"and" and not "or". Be careful, fellas...they can
harass you into "compliance" too.

T. Bloxom

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