Re: [MV] Possibly OT: Opinions, please?? Local "code enforcement" idiots trying to steal your MV's?

From: Jumpmaster (
Date: Mon Aug 27 2001 - 07:50:55 PDT

--- Gene Pantano <> wrote:
> By law..if you cover the vehicle with a decent car
> cover or tarp..the good squad "by law" can not lift
> the cover to see if the vehicle is registered.

Good answer, Gene! Unfortunately, this ordinance
specifically states that the Chief of Police or his
duly-assigned agent (e.g code enforcement goons) can
go onto private property in order to verify valid
inspection or registration.

Now, it *does* say if it is screened from view that
it's ok though...I may have to check into a decent car
cover. I was given to believe from talking to them a
couple of years ago that this wouldn't cut it and that
I would need a garage or some sort of structure around
it. Of course, we've seen how accurately they
interpret other parts of the ordinance so they were
probably in error there also.

I really think there's more to this than meets the
eye. They will not for the life of me tell me the
real reason behind all of this.

Thanks again...I'll check on the car cover idea...


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