Well, Rikk, I read the entire "ancient History" and now I'm dying to know
what actually happened?
There certainly is more here than meets the eye! I think the big old,
yeelow school bus is not such a bad idea. Of course, this will irritate
your neighbors more than the city....
Joe Garrett
cell 425-344-1402
-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List [mailto:mil-veh@mil-veh.org]On
Behalf Of Rikk Rogers
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 8:56 AM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] Possibly OT: Opinions, please?? Local "code
enforcement" idiots trying to steal your MV'
Not true,
Follow the ancient history ling on my website,
In the end and with an attack on a rental owner across the street, 5 people
lost their jobs or quit.
Not only can you fight city hall, you damn well should!
"When wrongs are pressed because it is believed they will be borne,
resistance becomes morality." --Thomas Jefferson M.deStael, 1807.
Rikk Rogers - RK Lion LTD.
(580)762-3157 rkltd@swbell.net
-M35A2- -M38- MVPA -22345-
-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List [mailto:mil-veh@mil-veh.org]On
Behalf Of Mykel
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 7:39 AM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] Possibly OT: Opinions, please?? Local "code
enforcement" idiots trying to steal your MV'
Please keep in mind in fighting "City Hall" that while you can write all the
letters to the Prez telling him
what a lousy job he is doing and that you will never ever vote for him and
will vote and support his opponent,
you NEVER, EVER want to piss off the local cop or you might as well just
move outta town.
I concur about the lack of liberty however consider the following: 1) maybe
it's your neighbors who are
complaining to the local authorities?, 2) Follow the money, can the local
govt. make a buck on personal
property/vehicle tax?, 3) In complaining to the City Manager/Mayor, whether
you win or lose, you don't ever
want to have a fire at your residence or a heart attack where you need
immediate emergency assistance from the
Fire Department!
Just some thoughts..!!
> > Good luck!
> Thanks...I'll make sure and get whatever the city
> attorney says in writing. Unfortunately, the code
> enforcement people fall under the direction of the
> Fire Department. I think I'd have better luck talking
> with the city manager about getting them called off of
> me.
> T. Bloxom
> 1985 M1009 CUCV
> ------------------------------
> End of Military Vehicles Mailing List Digest #406
> *************************************************
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