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>X-Original-Message-ID: <002b01c13252$370a1800$e399d5d1@pantano>
>From: "Gene Pantano" <truks@cs.quik.com>
>Subject: Re: [MV] CROOK
>Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 13:22:02 -0600
>Someone sent me some good information..I was pointed to the email address of
>the guy in Nevada...
>it is stcomish@reno.quik.com
>It is Story County Commissioner...!!!
>He is the County Commissioner... Just got off the phone with him...he claims
>taht he has had a "cut foot"..and could not get the tracks shipped.!!
>Darcy Miller need to load a container heade dto Australia..never mind a cut
>foot..sort of fishy..The tracks are still on the weasel and nothing has been
>done..but the guy "was" paid.. I don't like this scenario..Gene
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Before we get into anything judgemental maybe we should find out what the
particulars of the deal were and when was the money sent and received?
This sort of thing gives the internet and dealing on the internet a bad name
and unless details of both sides are heard it is hard to pick sides.I know
because i was once called a crook doing a shady deal on the Land Rover list
by the same clown who did the buying, all because it took 3 working days
from the time i got the guy's money to the time i sent the goods.I am not a
business nor do i run a store.UPS doesn't come by my house every day and the
bus depot is 15 miles away and I had no wheels on the road at the time.Go
figure-34 Land Rovers,3 M37's,1M43,and 2 Austin Mini's and 1 campervan and
nothing is insured.Yup! I got my priorities right:) Anyways I thought I was
doing good getting the stuff shipped out when I did.Never got an apology or
retraction or anything.I have been dealing in mail order and ordering stuff
via far away places since I was a kid.Even got a six pack of Orange Crush
thru the mail once.One thing is for sure and that is to allow plenty of time
for sending and receiving wether it be mail,courier or truck.Unless you pay
thru the nose and are going to die without it.
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