Now that "Double D" mentions it, you can download the
VIN verification form (in .pdf format) from the
Kalifornia DMV website. It lists on the form who is
authorized to sign for the inspection, which includes
most any law enforcement. You might be able to get it
signed off at the local donut shop...(just kidding- or
am I?).
--- wrote:
> I dunno squat about California...but this may be
> worth checking in
> TN the law says "peace officer" or such...this
> includes other varieties...guy
> in our local chapter was with US Customs
> service...he did most of our
> inspections...although sheriffs deputies, police,
> highway patrol, federal
> Marshall, constable, postal police, all would do.
> My point, find letter of law, then think about all
> the folks you know,
> hopefully they will overlap.
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