Re: [MV] Terrorist Attack

From: Joe Foley (
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 16:22:16 PDT

Ok, Dan,

You go ahead, roll over, and play dead.

We're going to do something about it!

Now, who do you want to stand with?


> Sorry, but I don't know that, and neither do you.
> Any large man with combat hand-to-hand training
> could kick his way
> through a cockpit door and overpower a pilot.
> No pilot is going to resist with the controls in his
> hands, and it
> would be much easier to get through airport security
> without a gun.
> And arming the passengers wouldn't help. either, all
> they need is a
> man at the back of the plane with an UZI. Shoot
> everybody, They're
> all going to die anyway. These guys planned this to
> the hilt, you
> think they didn't figure on a cop or a Secret
> Service guy maybe being
> on the plane?
> You can have all your Die Hard - Steven Segal
> fantasies, but in the
> real world an idiot with a gun is just a dead idiot.
> There are a lot more idiots out there than
> criminals.
> I prefer to keep the guns in the hands of people who
> know how and when
> to use them.
> And for all you guys with dreams of fighting off the
> commies coming
> over the hill, remember-
> By the time they get to you, they've gotten through
> stealth bombers,
> armored divisions, seventeen aircraft carrier groups
> and Trident subs
> with nuclear attack capability.
> Think they're going to scared by your twelve-gauge
> and WWII APC?
> Not likely.
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