RE: [MV] Let's take stock

From: Rikk Rogers (
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 17:06:06 PDT

Well said Tim,
Thanks for a cool head.


-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List []On
Behalf Of Timothy Smith
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 7:10 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] Let's take stock

Hi fellas,

I'm kind of glad the Scout Car isn't finished so I don't have to deal with
the looks of folks who don't understand those of us who love the color green
and the hum of non-directional tires, because today (of all days) I would be
tempted to take her out for a drive sporting a few Amercian flags and a "God
Bless America" banner. Someone would take me for a crazy, no doubt, and
call the police (bless their little hearts and minds.)

I'm very sorry so many of our fellow citizens got caught up in this; killed,
wounded, lost, but let's take stock of our situation....

(A) Once again, the sleeping giant has been awakened....

(B) And he has been filled with a terrible resolve.

Let us hope and pray that those persons responsible (whomever they may be)
will be brought to justice.

It is time to demonstrate once again, the profound inherent greatness of our
nation. I hope we will demonstrate the wisdom and resolve to seek JUSTICE
(in whatever form it comes), rather than retaliation. To me, retaliation
suggests a bumbling heavy-handedness.....the very thing much of the world
accuses us of now. I think we should show the world that America is
honorable, charitable and restrained, self-sufficient and concerned about
its place in the world's family of nations. If we can do this in our hour
of trial, I have no doubt much of the world will be behind us sooner or

The world watches...and waits.

Meanwhile, fellas.....keep em rollin!

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