Timothy Smith wrote:
> To me, retaliation
> suggests a bumbling heavy-handedness.....the very thing much of the world
> accuses us of now.
There is an old saw which goes: "If you have the name, you might as well
play the game." So let's have a little heavy-handed retaliation here.
Or better yet, a LOT of it.
>I think we should show the world that America is
> honorable, charitable and restrained, self-sufficient and concerned about
> its place in the world's family of nations.
There's another old saw which goes: "Nice guys finish last." Right now,
our country is in jeopardy of being the "nice guy" which perpetually
finishes last. To hell with that. RETALIATE. Quickly, massively, and
devastatingly. If we get the wrong cretins the first time, try again.
After all, Clinton blew an aspirin factory away and didn't suffer any
loss of popularity, so that approach must be OK.
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