At 04.08 12/09/01 -0400, wrote:
>In <>, on 09/12/01
> at 04:08 AM, sandman9 <> said:
> >I'd like to know how these people got on the airplanes?
> >What type of security the airports really have!
>The door to the cockpit should be locked down tight, even before the plane
>is loaded, on all commercial flights. Recently pilots were interviewed and
>some maintained they should retain the right to have an open door if they
>personally choose. Well the people on the ground have rights too! A
>highjacked plane is a guided missile, and there are NO fighter planes
>available to scramble and intercept.
let me say a word, as this IS my job...
we pilots are trained not to interfere on first moments of an hijacking.
then, please consider that cockpit doors are just a "plastic" shield and
that, if somebody knocks at the door saying that a cabin attendant has a
knife to her throat, I will release immediately the electric latch...
none could imagine what yesterday really happened, and no hijacked planes
were ever taken over control by hijackers.
flight procedure will be changed and improuved (many things will change
from today on...)
ground security procedures as well, as probably there is THE problem.
ground and flight procedures will have to change ALSO on US domestic
flight, ...I KNOW that international flight have a different handling.
sorry for this message out of topics.
We Alitalia have half a dozen flight, with crews and passengers landed into
canadian airports.
My thoughts are with friends and relatives of the victims.
please, american friends of this list, consider what could become tomorrow
the world...
think and think again, then do justice.
p.s. MV content: my GPW restoration project will be "grounded" for a while
as well...
| | Maurizio BERETTA
|_\ o||||o /_| Chiasso, 11
|----JeeP----| 20155 Milano MI Italy
|_| |_| ph. + 39 023270228 fax + 39 023270228
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