Well this guy's email did it. Now I have to say something. To keep the
flaming to a minimum I will do it in the form of questions implying that I
don't know the answers and not making any statements (cause I don't know the
1. My God (the only God) is supposed to be the same God as the God of
Abraham and the same God of the Moslems know as Allah. So why does our God
tell us "Thou Shalt Not Kill" and the Moslem's God tell them "Kill all the
infidels (us) and get a ticket straight to heaven and be rewarded with 69
virgins? Now why is that? It does not compute, but they (the Moslems) told
me that it is all true. They (the Moslems) said that they are not smart
enough to understand why and offered to get a high up religious man to
explain it to me. I declined.
2. During Desert Storm and Desert Shield did Saudi Arabia really go through
all the in coming mail to American Troops and remove all bibles, religious
articles and crosses like returning troops told me they did?
3. If we have the same God why did they do that?
4. Why in the hell did our leaders allow them to do that if it is true? I
would have told them to go piss up a rope and fight Sadam without us.
5. The last FBI Anti-Terrorism Briefing that I attended before retiring in
1995 they told me (us) that there was over 50,000 Moslem Terrorist in this
country now that is just waiting for the word to do it to us. Why did they
let them in the country knowing that?
6. Why are the religious police going around arresting Christians in Saudi
Arabia now and putting them in jail for possessing bibles, crosses and etc.?
7. Last question. Why am I doing this? I know what's going to happen!
Floyd Petri
----- Original Message -----
From: "DaveCole" <davidcole@tk7.net>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <mil-veh@mil-veh.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Late comments on WTC attacks
> First of all I'd like to say that whoever did the terrorist acts that
resulted in the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon must be tracked down and
brought to justice. I watched the second collision of the WTC live on TV
while I packed my kids lunch - and I now know why they are called
terrorists. The chill that ran down my back when I suddenly realized that
the country
> was under attack and that the first collision was no accident - will never
be forgotten.
> Secondly I would like to suggest that Osama Bin Laden or any person who
engages in this kind of atrocity is actually not a Muslim at all. He is no
more a Muslim than Timothy Mcveigh was a Christian. No good Muslim would
ever do to other humans, what was done by the terrorists who launched the
attack on the US. As in every faith, there are extremists who use religion
> a stepping stone to convince people to do things they should know are
evil. Osama Bin Laden or whoever did this atrocity to America is a
terrorist, a mass murderer with a mission, nothing more.
> Israel is a real can of worms. If you were a Palestinian confined in a
secured occupied territory and had to witness helicopter gunships and tanks
supplied and made by America help destroy your villages, you might be just a
bit pissed off at the supplier of the arms and aid. When was the last time
you saw Palestinian helicopters and tanks attack Israel? They don't
> have any. The Israelis are shooting fish in a barrel when they take
gunships and tanks into occupied territories. Palestinian throw rocks and
Israelis open up with automatic weapons fire. Not exactly a fair conflict!
The US supplies aid to Israel in amazing amounts. The last time I checked
it was roughly $2000 per Israeli citizen, that is the documented US aid. If
> you don't believe me, check it out yourself. I believe I last saw the
figures on the CIA website! (Your tax dollars at work!)
> Why we support Israel is beyond me. In that regard we have made ourselves
a target. Jews, Muslims, and Christians were living peacefully next to each
other before 1948 when outside forces decided to make Palestine into a
Jewish state. Now we pretty much stand alone in our assistance to Israel.
I now have a hard time distinguishing which side has the most terrorists.
> However it is clear to me who is who is the occupier and who is the
occupied. Palestinians are at best, second class citizens in Israel and
when locked down, they are simply prisoners. It is not a lot different than
Apartheid in South Africa. Why do you think these people have the
desperation to strap on explosives and kill themselves? It sure isn't
because they want
> to be good Muslims. People who are willing to kill themselves for a cause
are a very dangerous and very difficult to stop. They are the ultimate
smart bomb.
> We should not equate Muslims with terrorists anymore than we equate
Christians or Jews with terrorists. I didn't hear an outpouring of
comments against Christianity when Timothy Mcveigh was caught. And most
Christians are aware that all sins will be forgiven if we believe in Jesus.
(Talk about an opportunity for religious extremists!; I can do whatever I
want and
> still go to heaven!)
> I sure hope Timothy is burning in Hell as are the terrorists that took
down the WTCs.
> Dave
> >
> > BALLS! This is not a Flame, Cougar, but terrorists like Osama Ben Laden
> > do not care what we do, say, or think half way around the world from
> > their miserable, dusty, fleabitten, impoverished piece of dirt. While we
> > value all those wonderful (and they really are wonderful) freedoms to
> > engage in life, liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness, what motivates
> > these terrorists is the fact that the USA is the largest, strongest
> > supporter of Israel, whom they are sworn to destroy! Its just that
> > simple. We support the nation of the people who moved into land which
> > they had owned for centuries. They, on the other hand, have lost their
> > Soviet backers and they feel powerless. Therefore they wrap themselves
> > in the cloak of religious fanaticism and, believing in the promise of a
> > heaven filled with virgins and sweetmeats, happily join their little
> > team and engage in Islam's version of the Kamakazi.
> >
> > I just hope that the armed forces get the opportunity, real soon, to
> > help large numbers of Mr. Ben Ladens merry band on their way to heaven.
> > Only then would I heartily chime in on their favourite mantra - Allah
> > Akbar - God is Great!
> >
> > Just My Two Cents
> > Mel Miller
> > 2 X M725
> >
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