RE: [MV] Late comments on WTC attacks

From: Meir Ben-Dror (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 20:51:25 PDT

Although fortunately there is freedom of expression in this country, and
any ignorant bigot is entitled to spew his drivel, I have to react to this.
Again, this comes to show that some bottom feeders are comfortable to repeat
vicious and biased propaganda, instead of learning the facts - but they'd
rather not confuse themselves with the real facts.

This is as far as I'll go with this on the list. The rest will follow by
direct e-mail to Mr. Goebbels himself.

Meir Ben-Dror,

MVPA #23503

 -----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List [] On
Behalf Of Edward Greeley
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 8:11 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] Late comments on WTC attacks

With due respect to Gen. Schwartzkopf if, indeed, he did say that, let
me see if I have this right:

It is OK for the Jews to murder small Palestinian boys who are crouching
behind walls trying to avoid the Jews' gunfire, as we all saw on TV a
few months ago.

It is OK for the Jews to unleash "retaliatory" strikes, using helo
gunships (MV), tanks (MV), heavy artillery, etc. to indiscriminantly
kill dozens of Palestinians every time a Palestinian can't take it any
more and knocks off a Jew or two, as we have seen on TV countless times.

It is OK for the Jews to "punish" Palestinians by periodically
bulldozing their homes, as we have seen on TV repeatedly.

It is OK for the Jews to militarily occupy Palestinian land which was
not even granted to them when their phony "state" was set up by the UN.

It is NOT OK for a Palestinian to get just a little upset about all
this, and more, after enduring it for 55 years.

Yeah, I'm sure I have this right now.

I say: Go to hell, Zionist movement!

Ed Greeley
Who doesn't have a helluva lot of use for either side, but hates to see
a one-sided fight.

J. M. Edwards wrote:
> When was the last time you saw an Israeli get in a bus and blow up
> At least Israel makes it a policy to aim at terrorists. As Schwartzkopf
> stated Tuesday night -
> "We try our best to not hit innocent people, but they AIM at them. That's
> the difference between us and those bastards". I say Go Zionist Movement!
> John
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Stephen L Dussetschleger <>
> To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <>
> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 7:07 AM
> Subject: Re: [MV] Late comments on WTC attacks
> > Israel is a real can of worms. If you were a Palestinian confined in
> > secured occupied territory and had to witness helicopter gunships and
> > tanks supplied and made by America help destroy your villages, you might
> > be just a bit pissed off at the supplier of the arms and aid. When was
> > the last time you saw Palestinian helicopters and tanks attack Israel?I
> >
> >
> > ****** Very good food for thought.

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