At 8:33 PM -0700 9/13/01, Jim Densley wrote:
>But what's up with the Moslems in the Phillipines, Indonesia, Russia,
>Balkans, Algeria, Sudan all killing their fellow countrymen of different
Umm, sounds just as wrong as Scots from one clan killing a man from
another. Or just as wrong as a Catholic killing a Jew. Or a Baptist
killing a Pagan, or a Hindu killing a Muslum, or a White killing a
black. It matters not.
Sadly people don't understand all of this and take it truly to heart.
If the Jews hate the Palistinians as a group then they forgot a
serious lesson I never though they'd forget.
Why is it ever ok to kill someone else just because they are different?
If they are in another army, and you are at war we make exceptions
and allowances. Its preferable that we not, but it does happen sadly.
Self defense is the same.
Making it nearly impossible for a people to live by bulldozing their
meagre homes when they have nowhere to go likely doesn't endear them
to the Israelis. And not having had proper sanitary services for
years (nor medical care or any thing else) when the Kibbutz (sp?)
across the valley has watered green lawns and its own swimming pool
probably sticks in their craw just a bit.
Mind you I'm not agreeing with them in their methods, but I can
understand why they are so angry.
It is called the OCCUPIED territories you know...How many Americans
would fight as the Palestinians do were they in their situation?
A peaceful solution would be ideal. I'd love to see a bit of giving
on both sides.
-- - Ryan Montieth Gill DoD# 0780 (Smug #1) / AMA / SOHC - - I speak not for CNN, nor they for me - - - - '85 Honda CB700S - '72 Honda CB750K - '76 Chevy MonteCarlo -
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