twisted thread! Please all read and stop!

Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 23:28:01 PDT

Esteemed listers:
people,people, Pulleeeze!
*I* was the original author of the posting titled "Late comments on WTC attack". My posting was limited to constitutional issues and creeping liberalism. I did not post anything that was anti-semetic, but some careless respondent to same remarks somehow appended my post title to his own post. I am now receiving misdirected email with angry rebuttals to someone else's remarks.
Please be careful to change your subject line when you respond to a post. make sure you at least quote a header if not a little of the original author's remarks, so we can tell who your post is directed to. Again, respond to my original post if you like, but make sure it's really mine that you're responding to.
Thank yew all!
Jack, who didn't do it!

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