Re: [MV] An idea

From: Mark J. Blair (
Date: Sun Sep 16 2001 - 11:05:23 PDT wrote:
> So the question before us is will this become the news/politics/MV chat or
> will it retain it's original intent that has served us so well? Will we lose
> it if we don't change course?

MIL-VEH was the first place I heard of the attacks on the US on
9/11/01, and some of the discussions that have taken place here
recently have been interesting and informative. I'm enraged by this
unwarranted attack, and it will probably be the foremost thing on my
mind for the several years it will undoubtedly take for the US to
eradicate the govenments of rogue nations which knowingly and
willingly support terrorism. However, I really wish that everybody
would take their discussion about this topic to another forum. MIL-VEH
is intended to be a forum for discussion of topics DIRECTLY RELATED to
the private ownership of historic military vehicles. That word
"directly" is critical. The WTC and Pentagon attacks, the right to
keep and bear arms, the business practices of Ebay or any other
business that does not deal exclusively with military vehicles and
parts, building architecture and construction, ISP issues, virus
warnings and world politics are all topics that interest me, but NONE
of them belong on the MIL-VEH list, becase none of them are DIRECTLY
related to the private ownership of historic military vehicles. The
"just press the delete key" argument is only applicable to threads
which are directly related to HMVs [and thus belong in this forum]
which do not interest me. For example, I don't collect WW-II HMVs
[yet], so I "just press the delete key" for most of those threads,
just like a lot of the GPW and MB collectors probably "just press the
delete key" when I write about my M-series stuff. If the thread is not
DIRECTLY related to private ownership of HMV, then please "just take
it to an appropriate forum".

PLEASE show some self-restraint, self-control and maturity, and stay
on-topic! Lately, the signal-to-noise ratio has been very low on this
list. I understand that the WTC and Pentagon attacks are the most
important topics on everybody's minds right now, and I believe that
the attacks certainly justified the initial few off-topic postings in
order to spread the word as quickly as possible, but its well past the
time for that thread to continue in this particular forum. I think
that the MIL-VEH list has been the very best forum available for
owners of historic military vehicles, but if this low signal-to-noise
ratio persists then I will have to re-evaluate whether I wish to
continue reading and contributing to it in the future. If you just
can't resist making some off-topic remark, please keep it VERY SHORT,
and append it to the END of a MUCH LONGER on-topic posting.

Keep `em rolling... towards the enemy!

Mark J. Blair, KE6MYK <>
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