Re: [MV] M38 oil tube.

From: Ryan M Gill (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 11:05:46 PDT

At 11:05 AM -0500 9/17/01, Rikk Rogers wrote:
>The M38 I am working on was civilianized, and the Air filter package was
>The oil fill tube has a place to hook a hose for crankcase ventilation.
>What can I do short term to cover this up?
>Or, should I just run a hose out and down for a vent till I can put it back

Based on my general motorcycle and car engine knowledge, I'd say do
the following:

Get a crankcase breather filter of the right size and attach a hose
to the breather filter and to the point on the fill tube. Place the
hose somewhere that it can stay out of the way and still provide a
place for the crankcase to blow air in and out.

>If my understanding of the system is correct plugging it would be a bad

It would cause problems with oil blow by in the rings and seal issues.

- Ryan Montieth Gill             ----------           SW1025 H -
-   Internet Technologies  --  Data Center Manager (3N &10S)   -
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-             I speak not for CNN, nor they for me             -
- C&R-FFL -      \ Toronto, Gun down some squeegee kids, - NRA -
-    \  Then you can host the Olympics too!       -         

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