Read something disturbing on
"First, the VFW's reasoning:
Bob Manhan, at the VFW, left us a chilling message. "We [VFW] strongly
endorse the whole Defense Authorization Act, both the House and the Senate
versions. Look at p. 351 [the committee's opinion, as seen in ANN, which says
it doesn't expect WW II planes, for instance, to be targeted for destruction
-- even though that's exactly what the wording of the bill says]." He
continued, "We support this because there is some stuff out there, that could
-- if fallen into the wrong hands -- could be used by for criminal, terrorist
activities. That's why, generally speaking, we support the whole [profanity
deleted] enchilada." Using that logic, the VFW leadership would want to
disarm the entire United States, down to the last butter knife. [If the law
doesn't mean what it says, it should be rewritten to say what it means.
end quote
I'm sure many HMV owners belong to the VFW and many of us who are not Vets
have hauled Vets in our HMVs in parades and such. I feel sure the Vets I know
would not feel the same way as the person quoted here. We need to call our
VFW connections and explain why this bill is so bad to get them to pressure
their leadership to change it's position. Has every one caled their
Congressman yet? Get on the stick! I called Sen. Warner's office today and it
appears he's strongly against it.
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