>Yes. If this bill is passed, it will probably come to that...
>and even worse. The problem is that it seems to be written
>vaugely...on purpose.
This is exactly why I just posted what I did :-) I read, reread, and
rereread the proposed legislation again, and I see one thing VERY clear...
The Secretary Of Defense *must* specifically decide what is to be
demilled, how, when, and if compensation is to be handed out. Therefore,
the legislation does nothing in and of itself. Meaning, if this
legislation is passed into law tomorrow, NOTHING changes in regards to
our legal rights to own or utilize military vehicles. However, it does
authorizes the Secretary of Defense to do *something* if he so chooses.
So we are perhaps one step closer to something happening, but another
step must happen first. But the question still is... what is that
I am also sure that this legislation does NOT authorize the Secretary of
Defense to come after vehicles that weren't supposed to be demilled upon
leaving US Gov't hands, unless it either poses a threat to public safety,
provides a unique military capability, or provides a basis as a
"significant weapons" platform. While the rest of the language was
pretty vague, this section was VERY specific. So if you own a M35 which
was not, according to DoD regs, supposed to be cut up prior to public
sale, I'd say your vehicle is safe no matter what happens.
Also folks.... even *IF* something were to happen, don't forget that
hauling in a couple hundred thousand ex-military vehicles is not going to
happen overnight and without a fight. Once the NRA, ACLU, local
municipalities, VFW (not that ding-dong they interviewed), etc. are
informed that the DoD has placed a death sentence on our stuff... I think
you will quickly see the political rats scurry back into the shadows.
Ironically, the recent events might make it easier to pass this
legislation, but honestly I think it will be a LOT harder to put it into
effect. We might be small, but there is a LOT of concern about civil
liberties being revoked right now. I think we have more clout than we
are aware of.
>Lets all follow through with letters, calls and emails..
Absolutely! Best way to answer all these questions is to defeat the
legislation BEFORE it gets enacted. Then figuring out what this all
means will be really easy ;-)
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