While most of the vehicles DRMO has sold carry a demilitarization code of Q,
some trucks are code B and some are D. HOWEVER virtually 6x6's all have a
foot note on the invitation for bid, which the buyer agrees to in writing on
the "Notice of award, statement and release document." That footnote is that
the vehicle is considered a Military Munitions List Item as well as a
Munitions List and Commerce Control List item.
To purchase items such as these, as Wayne Harris pointed out, you must fill
out form 1822, End Use Certificate, and as such provide a variety of personal
information that is then used for a background check.
Anyone who does not think this is actually followed up on is fooling
Section III, paragraph 4 of form 1822 states "When MLI/SLI property is
transferred, the information regarding the above laws and regulations must be
passed to the subsequent purchaser/receiver, who must be a U.S.
Citizen/National or Permanent Resident of the United States of America, and
who must sign the resale statement below. Records of resale must be
available for the Trade Security Controls Office review, if required."
Section IV, paragraph 2 says "I acknowledge having been advised that the
MLI/SLI property I purchased is controlled by the U.S. Government....." and
goes on to say that its exportation is controlled FOREVER by the govt,
regardless of who owns it.
I point the above out as an example of what a small administrative step a
cargo truck is from being "Significant Military Equipment."
Others assertions that the pending legislation does not REQUIRE at this time
the destruction of our property is correct, but it ALLOWS it. Based on Sec
Def whim.
Lets have a for instance here....I understand that during the Clinton White
House military uniforms in the building were frowned on....assuming that is
true, that leave an impression on me as to their feelings regarding things
military. Now say Hillary winds up president in a few years, as she is
positioning herself to. She would likely select a like thinking person as
Sec Def. The next Timothy McVay uses a deuce instead of a Ryder truck....how
many hours before HMV's are declared SME and the gathering begins.
Someone says "the logistics of rounding up and destroying are impossible" no,
just difficult....how many fire arms did the Australian government round up?
and its a larger land mass.
Someone else says....we will fight in court....yea, BS, who is gonna pay MY
attorneys fees? I would have to sell my HMVs and my home to pay legal
expense, and still would likely not prevail.
Relatively speaking, lobbyists are cheap.
My .02,
David Doyle
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