The thought I have is that they are tired of some people abusing the...
privilege? A few of us spent 5 years driving the prostitutes and drug
dealers out of the woods next to my house. I find the drug dealers, at
least, are back. They are flying US Flags from their cars and wearing
patriotic garb. The sheriff's are ... reluctant to do anything to them
whereas in times past the Sheriff's department was excellent at
responding, searching if cause were present, etc.
The same thing for many of the people who weave in and out of traffic at
90 mph.
These people would be doing these things anyway, but some try to take
advantage of a situation to make a buck, whatever. I'm all for the
flag: even more so for the people behind it. But don't like it when
people give anyone wearing an American Flag a cheer regardless of what
the flag wearer is up to. It reminds me too much of those religious
leaders of 10-20 years ago who took Tithe moneys and built air
conditioned hotels for their dogs..
Then again, the people at ABC could just be butt heads. Sorry to rant,
but I haven't seen anybody putting even a word edgewise in about the
scam artists, etc.
On Mon, 24 Sep 2001 18:46:54 -0400 "GR Goebel" <>
> Just heard on FOX News that ABC has banned the wearing of
> American Flag pins by all on air personel.
> What the hell is this crap??
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