Did ya'll miss the posting from fellow lister Royce Hayes (about 24
hours ago) ?
Subject line was: Gun Battles Expected on Capitol Hill
This copied a notice from the GOA's (Gun Owners of America) which
Demil Gun Grab Is Back
Remember the demilitarization gun grab that was tucked into the
Department of Defense bill last year? Well, it's back. Buried deep
within the DoD authorization bill (S. 1438) is a provision that
would allow the DoD to collect and destroy certain privately owned
militaria -- including your M1 Carbine, 1903 Springfield, Colt SAA,
uniforms, ammo, scopes, and more.
Last year, GOA put out e-mail and fax alerts asking our members to
contact their congressmen and demand removal of this incredible gun
grab. The bill had already passed both houses of Congress by huge
margins -- nobody reads the bills -- and was in a conference
committee to iron out the differences.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of GOA members and activists,
Congress felt the heat. The Pearl Harbor attack on the Second
Amendment was averted by the flood of calls and e-mail directed to
Congress. Now, one year later, it's time to do it again. Please
ask your Senator to demand the demil gun grab provision be removed
from the DoD bill.
<end of snip>
Fellow list members... Please call your senators and representatives
again. The Senate has introduced Senate Bill S.1438. This is the
newest version of the old S.1416. Section 1062 is still there. The
Senate has, to date, introduced three Bills (S.1155, S.1416, and S.1438)
which include the demilitarization section.
We need to be vigilante. Senate Bill S.1438 was introduced on 9-19-2001
and is progressing through the Senate. Status as from
Introduced in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate
Legislative Calendar under Read the First Time.
Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under
General Orders. Calendar No. 163.
Measure laid before Senate.
Considered by Senate.
This morning I called the Aero News Network. They were not aware of the
Bill number
change. This evening, after they researched the new bill ...
Switcheroo Again: Start Over with S.1438
Three different numbers this year, to throw us off. You've got to call,
write again.
The DoD must be getting desperate to either destroy or confiscate your
property, your
museum's property, your library's property, your VFW post's property.
It's deathly afraid
that it won't be given totally arbitrary authority to declare your
stuff, their stuff -- at any time,
and with any reason, or no reason.
<end snip>
They have more to read at:
Friends, it is time to call again. To write and fax. Tell your
senators and your representative you oppose Section 1062 in S.1438 and
S.1416 and you oppose Section 921 in S.1155. (Senate Bill 1416 and
Senate Bill 1155 are most likely dead... but why take a chance... oppose
the offending sections in those Bills too.
Look at the Aero News Network web site. They have a list of Senators on
the Senate Armed Services Committee. Call them, send or fax your
letter. Do this real soon.
There is also a list of Representatives on the House Armed Services
Committee. Also call them. Send or Fax your letter. Voice your
opposition. The Senate bill must be reconciled with the House version.
Also write your representative. Ask that he contact his colleagues.
Ask that the offending section be removed.
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