Re: [MV] "Jake Brakes" Possible on an M35?

From: Ron (
Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 06:44:53 PDT

    I wonder how the town feels about the sound of sirens and exploding
tankers who don't use the "engine brakes". How about driving 30 miles out of
the way to avoid the HazMat spill cleanup. Or those middle of the night
Police Dept. patrol car PA broadcasts " ATTENTION... DUE TO A CHEMICAL SPILL
    How about the "clueless truckers" just don't deliver anything to the
pinheads in the town.
    In my town, a farm was sold for house lots. It sat in plain view, 1500
feet away from the end of a runway (one of two) of an airport that has been
there since the late 30's. Lots of GA type action, plus jet charter service,
all day and night. Built $500k to $2 MILLION homes there. Now at every town
meeting, we listen to these jerks demand the airport be shutdown, or
operating hours curtailed. And we won't mention the regional trash to energy
plant (with a 400 foot chimney) built off the side of the airport 15 years
ago which provided a HUGE boost to the tax base when the beautiful people
weren't around. Now, they are concerned about the trash truck traffic and
air emissions and birth defects appearing in their neighborhood. Funny, the
cows looked fine all those years.
    Loaded up my deuce twice this year with my neighborhood neighbors and
did real slow "Lifestyles of the Rich and NOT Famous" type stare tour of
these people and parked in the middle of one of the cul 'd sacs and watched
the planes. Those that were outside were NOT happy with us plebian trash in
the army truck pointing and laughing at the planes roaring 200 feet over
their homes. Funny, but since all those dot coms went belly up, there seems
to be a lot of 'FOR SALE' signs up there, and the lawns look a little
ragged. And the 2 Hummers in the neighborhood are gone. Pity...

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] "Jake Brakes" Possible on an M35?

> In <>, on 10/05/01
> at 02:55 AM, "Jim Newton" <> said:

> A town near here put up a sign requesting truckers not use 'engine brakes'
> due to the obnoxious noise they produce. And it is located on a rising
> hill as you enter town, so there is no need to use even regular brakes
> there. Perhaps clueless truckers will be able to read it and develop some
> finesse.
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