Found the following by doing a search on Jake Brake:
The Jake Brake is fast becoming one of America's most endangered symbols!
Join the resistance and help to lead your community to recognize the positive
impact that allowing Jake Brakes to be used in your area has! Everytime you
hear a Jake Brake in action what do you hear? I'll tell you what I
hear...MONEY! If it weren't for trucks bringing goods in from far away
lands, your community would be deprived of much needed commerce. Commerce is
good. That's why they have Chambers full of commerce! Call your local
Chamber of Commerce today and ask them what they're doing to eliminate the
needless restrictions imposed on our nation's truckers when it comes to Jake
Brake usage!
Tell them that you're ready to do your part to take charge and clear the way
for healthy commerce! Tell them that it's downright un-American to not let
the sound of the Jake Brake be heard! What'll scare little kids more? The
sound of a Jake Brake? Or the sound of no toys for Christmas because Santa
Clause was refused access to your community because you imposed restrictions
on his specially equipped sleigh. Santa comes in the form of WalMart trucks
and those trucks need Jake Brakes and the freedom to use them! If you deny
Santa and his trucker elves then you're denying your family's happiness and
good cheer! It's un-American to stop Santa and it's damn well un-American to
restrict the use of Jake Brakes. From Beverly Hills, CA to Backwater, AL,
it's time for this country to unite behind the Jake Brake!
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