Re: [MV] S1438

From: kuhrick (
Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 13:42:39 PDT

At 08:29 AM 10/5/01 -0400, Ted Hintopoulos wrote:

> >I'm nervous now, because for the first time I've written to a Senator in my
> >area, I've not had a response. Anything from fuel taxes and subsidies to
> >abortions and gun rights has gotten me a response from my senator (sometimes
> >not in my liking). I've heard nothing here, however.
mine taked 2 or 3 weeks to get back to my and he says that tucks should
not be called SME
or what ever that is
i think i will write back and say that the monitions list is to
vaguely and that any thing can by called unsafe
butt i have trouble writing and more trouble spelling

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