I have reached 300 hrs, and it would be nice to report
completion, as planned. Have had to revise to 5-600hrs.
The cabin is almost complete now, it took a lot of time, especially
because i repeatedly had to reassemble and dismantle various sections
to enable perfect fit after repairs. It does look good
Turns out my front wheel camber problem is most likely due to the fact
that it appears the axle housings have been welded at the wheel ends
ie due to breakage, this is consistent with the knowledge that this
vehicle was used to front winch very heavy towers up to 30 tons
(the winch and housing are very heavily reinforced)
At any rate I have contacted a gent who has 9 GMC, and he will sell
me a front axle complete.
He also has what he believes to be a ACKWX, furthemore, a missing
French one.
It has 8 spoke wheels, 39-40 cab, Split Axles, side-lift bonnet etc
Has a 174" wheelbase which is original.
No engine.
Les would very much like to know what are the exact dimensions
of the louvres for the engine side covers.
He has side covers from a GM LendLease truck(a 1- 1/2 ton 4*4 i think)
these are the same dimension but not louvered.
From pictures there are 11 louvres.
CAN SOMEONE HELP OUT with the exact louvre dimension? (ACKWX)
ALSO, YANKEE JOE transfer cases...he badly wants one, he tells me
they are similar to GMC cases but have slightly different dimensions,
but most important, have a direct 1:1 instead of 1:1.16
I discussed with him and another long time user my desire to take my
vehicle into the sand dunes ( i live near several beaches which are
world renowned for beach and dune driving)
The upshot of our discussions was the best way out is to go the
whole hog and fit 1200*20 single wheels.
The first step is to move the rear-rear axle back 1.5 " by
fitting Split Axle Torque rods which are according to the
operator manual are 1.5 " longer...the extra distace is taken up by the
slipjoint on the rear-rear tailshaft, so no other mods are neccesary.
If neccesary, the front-rear axle can be moved forward by the same
process, but i dont think is needed(the gap between rear tires is 230mm
which i calculate is the extra diameter of the 2 1200 tires, so by adding
1.5"..40mm, that would be the clearance between the rears, without moving
the fr forward)
To make up the wheels, 2 original wheels are sliced and made into 1.
This was one of Les specialties..he loves modifying wheels!
He told me he once had that job, and did thousands..good.
The tires all run on the same track...a big reason to go to 1200
is that they apparently can run on 15psi...if this is tried on a skinnier
tyre, it is goodbye valve...also this being the standard Army size,
surplus stock is available easier than other sizes.
Another big factor is speed increases from 45 to 56mph.
Les advised me to avoid 5th,he said stay in 4th, as no work is on the box
5th is a small weak gear..i guess downhill would be the go.
I have been told this config can conquer tougher dunes tham most 4wd
Is there anything that sounds wrong so far...please critque!
one bloke told me a detailed procedure for lenghtenin rods.
he said they are hollow.....Les said no..they are solid and dont ever cut
who is right?
regards tony
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