At 09:32 AM 10/8/01 -0700, William R. Benson wrote:
>I'm managed to identify most of the holes and various chachzkis I have on my
>M-37B1, but here';s one that has managed to stump not only me, but some pretty
>knowlegable folks in three of the local MV clubs. It certainly isn't
>stock, but
>perhaps somebody knows of some battlefield modification...
>Here goes:
>The lugnuts on my front wheels appear to be the type used to mount dualies.
>They are long and threaded. I'm very close to swapping them with the back
a truck my dad had 30-35 years a go had tham all the way a round i think
they was handy and they used them in stead or buying the right ones
and this was a 20 year old dump truck that was used to hall coal back
wane coal was used to heat homes and it the truck was never in the army i
don't think butt the owners never spent money they didn't have too
>Any ideas?
>Bill B.
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