FW: SB1416 - National Defense Authorization Act response from "Se nator Warner"

From: Doyle, John D (JDoyle@framatech.com)
Date: Tue Oct 09 2001 - 06:43:22 PDT

Of particular interest to us is paragraph 3 of Senator
Warner's email:

-----Original Message-----
From: Senator@warner.senate.gov [mailto:Senator@warner.senate.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 8:35 AM
To: Doyle; John D
Subject: Re: SB1416 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Y

   Dear Friend:

        Thank you for taking the time to contact my office by email.
   It is always a pleasure to hear from you.

        I am currently in the process of constructing a new webpage
   to better serve my constituents on the issues that are facing the
   Senate. In October, my public email address will be changing
   to my website: http://www.senate.gov/~warner. I believe that this
   will better serve you and other Virginians in receiving the information

   needed to respond to your interests and concerns.

          If you are sending me an e-mail message requesting my assistance
   with a problem you are having with an agency of the Federal government,
   you must make that request by letter or telefax. The Privacy Act

   requires that, in order to make an inquiry on behalf of a constituent,
   I must have a request which includes his or her signature. Federal
   agencies are precluded from releasing information to my office about

   persons seeking assistance unless I have received a written and signed
   authorization from the individual in need of assistance. When making
   such requests for help with a Federal agency, please include the details
   of the problem, your full name, home address and your phone number, and
   any identification numbers relevant to your case (such as Social Security
   Number, Alien Number, Case Number, etc).

        Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact my office.
   I hope you will enjoy my new website and I look forward to hearing from
   you on other matters of importance to you and the Commonwealth of

          With kind regards, I am,


                                 John Warner

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