Hi Michael,
>If the DRMO wasn't flooded with so much new stuff that was bought when
>it wasn't needed just so a business in someone home jurisdiction can
>make some money or if they had the funds or the will to go through the
>stuff it would never get out. But then, where would we get our spare
>parts? They are just trying to close the barn door after the horse has
>run away.
Agreed. Thankfully the armed forces are changing over to a more "just in
time" system for delivering spares. They have to since their budgets
have been ratched down so much over the years.
>They made a pretty good effort to get M151A2's a few years ago. If this
>was law then they would have had no problem. They already calm to have
>proved them unsafe for the public.
Remember that the M151A2 is an exception. That was a political hot
potatoe since the very beginning, just like the Hummer is today. Hmm...
same company made both... gee... I wonder....
>And is usually the case with badly written law, the rich bid company
>lawyer's would get them out of complying with the law and the little
>people would be the ones that ended up in trouble.
Actually, the law was so poorly written that there was NO way that it
could be enforced. That was yet another problem with it. So probably in
actuality the little guys would have been better off because they are so
low profile that the enforcement agencies wouldn't even bother with them.
But in general, I agree.
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