>Does anyone have any experience with cleaning metal using muratic acid?I
>want to clean a crank shaft that has surface rust and was thinking of mixing
>up a solution of acid and putting the whole crank into it for a period of
>time until the acid does it's job.What I am wondering is does it affect the
>metalurgy at all and what can be used as a neutralizer after.Also what would
>be a strong enough solution of acid % to use?
It works well but I have one big concern doing a crankshaft. I know that
Hyrogen imbrittlement is a problem with most of the chemical cleaning
methods and I would assume that using plain old hyrdrochloric (muriatic)
would also be a problem. For many parts this is not a problem but something
like a crankshaft, it might be.
What about glass bead blasting, followed by a polish or regrind???
good luck,
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