I Agree!!
RD wrote:
> Hey Rag, thanks for injecting the gun thing back into the
> group! Of course if I say how despotic and tyrannical the
> gun-o-phobic European nations are that my ancestors fled,
> I'm sure I will get spanked for being off topic. Folks who
> think they need to be protected by the State Uber Alles
> from their irrational phobias get to sound off but those
> who try to inject the rationality of a free man often get
> rebuked. It's not hypocrisy. Really its not...
> Well, the mil surplus theft bill is definitely something to
> be concerned about on this side of the pond. This is
> starting to follow the predictable pattern established by the
> assault weapon fraud. Tie the inanimate object (mil-radio)
> to some boogieman or scary event and start vilifying those
> who have the accursed object. BTW, the idea that certain
> devices are evil except when held by people wearing blue or
> green suits is so totally bizarre that I wonder how modern
> people can actually entertain such superstitions. The very
> idea, that governments are the only entities on the planet
> with sufficient moral goodness to be trusted with munitions
> is forcefully refuted by the 8 genocides of the 20th century
> committed by governments upon their own people/subjects.
> (The most infamous being the national disgrace of Germany.
> And no I don't hate Germans as I am of the house of Durst
> and my ancestors fled the ever authoritarian Deutschland to
> live in freedom in central Texas.) I think the term we use
> for nations where only the police and military have military
> goods is: POLICE STATE.
> If you cannot Shoot, Move & Communicate your claim to freedom
> is illusory, delusional, or worse.
> "You need only reflect that one of the best ways
> to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen
> these days is to go about repeating the very phrases
> which our founding fathers used in the struggle for
> independence." ~ Charles A. Beard
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