Well, I got a reply from my Senator. He is on the Senate Armed Forces
Committee. Didn't know if anyone else might want to set him
straight! I've already replied & let him know that I'm not only concerned
about weapons demil, but also ALL historic military vehicles! (regardless
of era!) If we don't stand up for the vehicles now, they could be in
F. Brian Mead
1984 CUCV
1944 Willys MB
1950 CJV-35/U (wife's)
1859 McClellan Saddle
>X-MindSpring-Loop: brian@hardscrabblefarm.com
>Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 14:54:06 -0500
>From: Max3_Cleland@cleland.senate.gov (Max3 Cleland)
>To: brian@hardscrabblefarm.com
> October 31, 2001
(I deleted my address from here)
>Dear Franklin:
> Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns over S. 1438, the FY
>2002 Department of Defense Authorization Bill, specifically Section 1062. I
>appreciate you sharing your concerns with me.
> As you may know, S. 1438 would authorize appropriations for fiscal
> year 2002
>for military activities of the Department of Defense (DoD), for military
>construction and for defense activities of the Department of Energy and
>prescribes personnel strengths for the Armed Forces. The DoD asked the Senate
>to include in the authorization bill a provision (Section 1062) which
>would give
>the Secretary of Defense the authority to ensure the demilitarization of
>significant military equipment formerly owned by the DoD. Additionally, this
>provision would authorize DoD to reacquire equipment for demilitarization
>ensuring public safety. This language is similar to current policy but it has
>not been strictly enforced.
> On October 2, the Senate passed the authorization bill 99-0 with strong
>bipartisan support; I too supported this measure. Due to the tragedy of
>September 11, I felt it was important to pass this bill to ensure that our
>Forces have the resources they need to pursue the fight against terrorism and
>provide our military men and women with the quality of life provisions and
>weapon systems to help them fight this war. During the drafting, debate and
>action on the DoD authorization bill in the Senate, Section 1062 did not
>any initial objections. However, after further review and upon hearing the
>concerns expressed by you and other constituents, I have serious concerns with
>this provision as written. Currently, I am working with my Senate and House
>colleagues to see that the language is removed or at least modified to exclude
>firearms. It was never my intention nor that of other Senators to take any
>action which would be detrimental to law-abiding gun owners.
> Thanks once again for writing and for bringing this matter to my
> attention.
>I am confident that the problem you identified will be removed in the final
>version of the DoD bill.
> Most respectfully,
> Max Cleland
> United States Senator
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