I used the stuff from eastwoods, its been in place for a couple of months
and works well.
I used 4 bottles, in 2 coats.
I can see how, if you don't follow the metal prep directions, it could
become a mess in a fairly short time.
Make covers for the top holes (after prep, I used duck tape).
Also used a trash bag and tarp strap on the filler neck.
After metal prep, plug any rust holes with JB Weld or something that will
fill them (I missed this idea).
USE SAFETY EQUIPTMENT during the prep phase, no reason to take any chances.
Have a hose close and running, incase you screw up and get it in you or on
you, (muratic acid tastes like bad pickles).
And yes, unless you have an unusually large shop, do it out side.
Rikk Rogers - RK Lion LTD.
(580)762-3157 rkltd@swbell.net
-M35A2- -M38- MVPA -22345-
-----Original Message-----
From: johnnygeep@yahoo.com [mailto:johnnygeep@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 7:29 AM
To: MVlist@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [MVlist] Gas Tank Sealer/Liner
Has anyone used the POR-15 line of products to fix their gas tanks?
Any words of wisdom on how to proceed with cleaning, patching and
lining a gas tank, specifically from an M38A1?
John G. Herman
St. Louis
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