Re: [MV] M-1-4 question

From: uniquemachine (
Date: Sat Nov 03 2001 - 15:58:31 PST

I had the same kind of problem with our M54, which turned out to be a very
advanced ignition timing. so you might check that. Also, you said that you had
good spark on 1 and 6 cylinders, but are you just holding the wire away from the
plug tip, or are you actually removing the plug, putting it back on the wire and
testing it? I have also just had 'mysterious' plugs that worked fine outside,
but in the motor, did not work, so try changing the spark plugs around in
different locations, or using new ones. Hope this helps.


> > Our M-1-4 is not running well. Engine was rebuilt, has good compression
> on
> > all 6 cylinders. Carb, Carter BB1, is rebuilt.
> >
> > Problem is it runs OK at idle but has no power. Can't pull itself up a
> > hill. Disconnecting cylinders 1 and 6 has almost no change to RPM at
> idle
> > but disconnecting 3 or 4 almost kills the engine. There is spark at the
> > plugs on 1 and 6 when disconnected.

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