Re: [MV] Hooking up a generator

From: kuhrick (
Date: Sat Nov 03 2001 - 19:29:38 PST

At 08:07 PM 11/3/01 -0600, ET Lance-Gómez wrote:
>I have followed this thread with interest, hoping someone else would raise
>an issue. I don't like to because this is not directly related
>to the private ownership of military vehicles (oh, those pesky list rules).
>Here goes: My information source (commercial and industrial electrician)
>warns that turning off the main breaker and backfeeding 220-240V
>is not absolutely safe to anyone working on the exterior lines. This is
>because of backfeed thru the neutral. Many homes when wired did
>not maintain total separation of the neutral and ground. Hence, crossfeed
>of voltage can go out to the neutral. Additionally, not all
>neutrals terminate at the meter, some go back out to the main line. Both
>of these can cause current to leak from the house to the lines.
>The only fortunate part is that usually not all the current available can
>flow this way and a lower shock is delivered if some poor lineman
>becomes the connection to ground.
>Therefore, to be absolutely safe, you must not only pull the main breaker,
>but you must also disconnect your neutral.
the neutal can stay in most citys
butt the bad part is that for geting to open the main breaker or some
one closing it wile the gentereator
is runing
i was thinking of a auto waw to make shore
the gen and the city can not both at same time be tied in
i was thinking of a back words working conater if ac power lines
the generator can not power the house
get with me for more info

>Sorry to resurrect this thread as it seems to have died, but I was
>traveling and couldn't let this go unknown.
>Flame me direct or on list if needed.
>PS: not directed at you John, it was just easy to use a reply to your msg
>as reference.
>"J. Forster" wrote:

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