----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoff Winnington-Ball" <gwball@sympatico.ca>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <mil-veh@mil-veh.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] Beltring?
> McStolly,
> Is there an alternative being discussed anywhere? I just wouldn't know
> what to do without the prospect of coming over every year for a week of
> embarrassing my British/German/Dutch friends in some grassy encampment
> someplace...
> :-(
The esteemed Spinning-Ball,
I am led to believe another letter is to be sent very shortly explaining the
situation, I shall post it to MVList@yahoogroups.com the moment it arrives.
My personal view is that Beltring will happen no matter what, no one in
their right senses will kill the golden goose and as far as we can see it is
operated by a limited company (A North American "Inc") as a business.
Be advised the technique of winding-up a limited company here to immediately
start another is quite common to allow detachment from various commitments
and debts of course, some unscrupulous people do this continually and make
good money.
Being in business I can tell you I usually get caught annually being paid 1p
in the pound if you're lucky but seeing an almost identically named company
with the same people using equipment they have now got for 1/100 of the
price, in any other sphere it would be called fraud and/or theft.
We'll see you at Beltring 2002 I'm sure.
Southampton - England
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