Need help IDing WW II German Artillery

From: Robert Buettner (
Date: Sat Nov 10 2001 - 10:58:17 PST

Hello List-

At a local park here in North-east Wisconsin we have a
German artillery piece on display. I would like some
help in Identifing it as there is no placard telling
me what it is. Best I could measure the barrel is
150cm in diamater. There are a few marking on the
breech that are as follows:

R 1810 (Waffenampt) Bs:FL 42207 qfs
                        M:FL 1016 fxc
                        S:FL 35746 qfs

If you need any more info to help ID this piece,
contact me and I will be happy to provide it.

Robert Buettner
Appleton, WI

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