how 2 start a duece?

Date: Fri Nov 23 2001 - 10:12:37 PST

Re: 2.5 ton M35A2, starting procedure.

I was looking at a couple of deuces to place a bid on via DRMO, but I don't
even have a clue how to even start one?

Closest experience I have had with a diesel was from my old Chevy pick
up...can't even call that a real diesel. So I'm totally clueless about the
starting procedures and how to safety inspect, such as checking for correct
brake pressure and bleed off. Any other safety tips would be mucho
appreciated. Would like to be somewhat familiar with a deuce before I place
my bid.

FYI: I'm looking at the deuces in Hawaii at DRMO/Barberspoint ... not likely
this will be a deal, the shipping back to mainland is $2400!!!!!! That's
just to get it to the closest port at Oakland, CA. They seem pretty fair
shape, but it would have a be a low-ball bid to make it pencil out for sure.
But, if not Hawaii, I'll keep trying on the mainland, sooner or later I will
find something.

Thanks in advance.... any advice will be appreciated!

Jack (Sunny California) Lee
Valp L3314N ( Rescued from the arctic circle - Norway and shipped it much
cheaper than Hawaii to California )

PS Hope our US members had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday.

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