I'm curious why you must accept attachments automatically to complete your
tasks. Why not detach manually from email received from a co-worker, say,
who routinely sends you desired attachments? Takes me one second to do
this and the attachment pops into my 'attachment folder'.
Most attachments on emails I get are gratuitous html versions of the email
text itself- a waste. I don't even bother to detach these. Likewise any
attachments of substance, potential security bombs, which get ignored by
me due to their unknown source. Thus they never get a chance to 'exist'
and can never begin their mischief.
>The best we can do here ( as we
>must accept attachments to complete our tasks ) is to run Norton
>Antivirus and update it weekly.
But aren't these av guys always a week behind the latest 'outrage de jur'
so you are likely exposed continuously?
> Paul
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