M35A2 brake switch

From: uniquemachine (uniquemachine@air1.net)
Date: Sat Dec 08 2001 - 08:39:04 PST

I am in the process of changing out the front wiring harnass
on my M35A2 and have come across a situation taht I would
like some input from. The new wiring harnass that I got has
a large plug for the brake light switch(same as the one for
the in tank fuel pump) but the old wiring harnass uses two
small(packard type) connectors. Then, while under the
truck, I saw that the brake master cylinder has a brake
switch connector on the end of it that is for the large
single plug(not used) but there was also another switch that
was tee'd into the brake line that used the two small
plugs(this one was being used). I remember reading a
discussion about brake switches on the list a while back,
but I don't remember the specifics. Any help?


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