Having a house cleaning!
NOS periscope stowage boxes, $20.00
Sten Gun holders, New Production $ 20.00
Grenade Boxes, New Production $ 20.00
Inside stowage boxes, mounts on escape hatches. $ 25.00 new production.
Large outside stowage bin, uses, very good condition. $ 300.00
Clansman intercom sets. complete with cables and headsets. Blowout at $
400.00 set.
1 ea. C42 radio set complete less antennas. $400.00.
Late style CVC British helmets, very good condition. $20.00 ea.
Sten gun mag stowage trays, new production.
$15.00 ea.
Smoke discharger sets, takeoffs, uncut, $ 200.00 set.
All prices + shipping Contact me off list.
Earl Tucker
Int'l Repo-Depo, Inc.
6030 Brittmoore Suite R
Houston, TX 77041
(713) 849-2279 Tel/Fax
24HR Fax (281) 345-7499
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