1967 Kaiser Jeep M35A2 w/ multifuel turbo. New head
gaskets. Spring seat w/ new covers air shift transfer
front lockout hubs new front wiring harness, lights and
side markers good tires w/ 2 spares comeplete rear cover
for bed hard top heater all new brakes west coast
mirrors spare fuel pump and other misc. parts not sure on
a price yet, will figure out tomorrow for those who want to
> First wife destroyed first marriage, so I understand what
> you are
> experiencing. Second wife likes MV's. Please send
> description of deuce. I
> am in southern California, so I MIGHT come visit and
> commiserate, look at
> truck, maybe purchase same. Thank you, and MERRY
> Good judgment comes from experience.
> Experience comes from poor judgment.
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