Hello listers.
I'm in upstate NY near Syracuse.
We have a store in the mall that has very accurate wWW@ jeeps. They are on
sale from $24 to $20 They are reallly nice.... about 7 or 8 inches long.
The detail was really excellent.
Probably they'll be further reduced tomorrow ?
There store sells all that blacklite stuff and gaga gifts for all occasions.
It is called Spencers Gifts I saw these jeeps at two different locations /
stores .
My kids are now still in bed. It's 9:30 Christmas morning. Well they're 23 -
21 - 18 years old. So, I guess I'll go back to bed too ! Usually to wkae
them up... I sacrifice a slice of toast allowing the smell of burned toast
to waft upstairs. But, today, no luck and one less slice of bread.
Enjoy your christmas... Don't eat too much and don't stuff yourself with
food so that you have to lay down to overcome the meal. Have a heart ! LoL
Rob Pearson
Tending my flock of jeeps.
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