Re: [MV]

From: Gene Pantano (
Date: Fri Dec 28 2001 - 11:56:45 PST

This is a bit off the MV subject..but , it is no less important...since it
shows what we can expect from the BATF and other Government agencies as far
as our hobby goes.
There is a company called MKSpecialties..
They are (were) "re-manufacturing" US M14 receivers in semi-automatic only.
Everything was done acording to BATF regs..everything was sanctioned by our
BATF...Each receiver came with a clearance letter from the BATF. is
their normal way of operations..they are getting "NO KNOCK" search and
seisure warrants and pushing people around and treating them like felons to
"steal" the well as tear through their houses and steal
whatever else they want.. They are not refunding any monies..and the
receivers were not cheap..around $400 each. They of course will not tell
anyone - anything about what they are doing..just that "they have been
ordered"..!! This is their way of operating..WACO and Weaver are the proof.
They are indeed "jackbooted thugs"..pushing their way into private homes and
treating good American citizens like felons. It do they - the
BATF. This country does not need a "rule bending" GESTAPO outfit like
this..Write your Congressman.! This is not legal "what" and "how" they are
doing what they are in this matter...They need to be disbanded..! We do not
need them in a "free" society. It could be your "demilled" MV next guys...
They hate anything military in our hands and they hate "us" in you and
I because we like this stuff.!!
Sometimes , I am ashamed that I spent over 30 years to protect our rights as
"free" men and women..and then see things like this happen.....not to
mention extremely depressed.. No..I was not one of the people raided..but a
friend was...AND HE WAS NOT EVEN HOME..!! They raided anyway and shoved his
wife around that is very sick. Gene

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