Hello Ed and List,
Try this site for info. I found it helpful..
Mike Hill EMT-1
Kilo Golf Six Foxtrot Juliet India
"86 M1009"
Ed Kirkley wrote:
> I am in need of the proper markings for an M1009. Mine is a 1984 in
> woodland cammo and I would like to know what markings go on it and how they
> are applied. I know that the front and rear bumpers have the unit markings
> and I'd like mine to reflect A Troop, 1/9 CAV, 1st CAV DIV. In addition do
> I need any stars anywhere? Is there anything else that is needed?
> Thanks,
> Ed Kirkley KG4OUJ
> MVPA 18977
> 1984 M1009
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