Trailer ID help

From: Ed Kirkley (
Date: Mon Jan 07 2002 - 18:27:16 PST

I just purchased a trailer with a 10 kW generator on it, not installed but
just loose on the trailer. The generator works just fine and the trailer
looks great, some rust but not much. I need help with the ID of the
trailer. It's a two wheel, woodland cammo, has two hand brakes, both on the
front on each side of the tow bar attachment, bows for canvas, (without the
canvas), setups for three gas cans on top of each fender, a drain hose in
the rear center, normal trailer light hook up, one stabilizing leg in front,
fire extinguisher brackets on the front of the fenders and holders for
something on the inside front, (looks like holders for tubes or hoses
maybe). Anyone have any ideas?


Ed Kirkley KG4OUJ
MVPA 18977
1984 M1009
???? Trailer

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