Now Ryan give me a break... I drove a Yugo from brand spanking ...and it
took us through four winters It was absolutely marvelous too. It barely
sniffed at gasoline.
It could easliy give my MB jeep a run for it's money too . LOL
Rob P.
Upstate Ny area near Syracuse.
'42 MB Been to #ell and back
'46 CJ2A Fully Rebuilt Eng. not yet intsalled
'47 CJ2As Really Rusty one Runs (two jeeps)
Two CJ5s great engines - bad tubs
1, Surrey jeep. soon to have Toyota Celica eng. + Tranny
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan M Gill"
I think this guy is trying to drive on the Internet highway with a
> broken down yugo..
> --
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> - Ryan Montieth Gill '01 Honda Insight -
> - '76 Chevy Monte Carlo -
> - '72 Honda CB750 -
> - '60 Daimler FV701H Mk2/3 -
> - I speak not for CNN, nor they for me -
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> - C&R-FFL - / Protect Freedom AND Security \ -
> - NRA / \ DoD #0780 -
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