Looking for antenna mount towers?? for HMMWV

From: Ned Parkes (sparkes@fast.net)
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 14:39:47 PST


I currently have two AS-1729 antennas with the MX-6707 tuners mounted on
the normal antenna mounts on the back of my M998. However, with the 4 man
soft top with the cargo extension the antennas cannot be bent down without
hitting the soft top. I think I have seen some sort of aluminum tower
mounted to the back of the HMMWV that extends up about a foot and angles
back so the antenna clears the soft top cargo extension.

First, am I right about this, and secondly, if I am does anyone have one or
two of those aluminum antenna mount towers (or whatever they're called) for
sale. Also, looking for a reasonably priced military brushguard with
hardware, and some west coast mirrors.

Ned Parkes

1986 M1009 CUCV
1987 M998 HMMWV

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