Hi, folks. I'm looking for some accessory items for my M543A2 5-ton
6x6 wrecker:
* Field chocks, including pins (I would prefer a source in southern CA)
* Spreader bar for the boom jacks, and all pins and other hardware for
the boom jacks, including pins to attach the feet, hardware to attach
the poles to the boom, and hardware for attaching the spreader bar. I
have the two telescoping poles and the two feet, but lack the spreader
bar and all hardware. Alternately, if anybody could provide
descriptions, pictures and/or dimensions for any of the boom jack
hardware, maybe I could fabricate suitable substitutes.
* Whiffletree bar
* A good clevis end for attaching the chain to the front winch cable
(mine is cracked, and the industrial suppliers I'm familiar with don't
carry anything quite that big).
* Rear shackle, with pin (it's not the same size as a 2.5-ton's rear
* All snatch blocks for the front and rear winches.
* I wouldn't mind having the big vise that mounts on the front bumper
if I could find a nearby source... I don't need that item badly enough
right now to justify the cost of shipping it, though.
Thanks in advance for any leads!
-- **** NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS **** Mark J. Blair, KE6MYK <mblair1@cox.net> PGP 2.6.2 public key available from http://www.keyserver.net/ Web page: http://www.qsl.net/ke6myk/
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