RE: [MV] The other side of the story

From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Mon Feb 18 2002 - 11:36:28 PST


>I love the guilt by association logic.

Hey, it is easy to do and requires absolutely no proof, logic, or
anything else resembling "thinking". Which is what I see everytime I
read stuff like this:

>Yes Clinton didn't do anything positive for this list so you wonder why we
>don't think he's great. He did do one thing, he proved beyond a shadow of a
>doubt that ANYONE regardless of personal character, integrity, presents of
>moral decency, self respect of giving a rats ass for your fellow human being
>can become President of this Country.

I don't understand why you can't see that comments like have as much
value as those I made about Bush. Which is exactly why I made them. It
appears the irony was lost on you. (BTW, I think Clinton should have
resigned so don't get the idea that I like him).

My point has always been, and always will be, that thinking that all the
problems of this country can be boiled down to simplistic statements like
above is just plain counter productive. And to think that that ALL
problems are the result of liberals (or in other discussion areas,
conservatives) is nonsense. The differences between Rebulicans and
Democracts are quite small since both have LONG track records of doing
things which are counter productive to the interests of the people of
this fine nation.

As for the Enron thing... I suggest we all take more interest in it than
was shown in the Lewinski scandal. I'd rather have a President with an
over active labido than one which does back room deals with corrupt
corporations. Let's hope that Bush isn't as "dirty" as some suspect he
is. But only time will tell.

Personally, I am happy to have both the rabid right and the loopy
liberals. Without them we wouldn't have nearly as good a government and
the living conditions which are enjoyed under it. One keeps the other in
check. Otherwise you have the extremes, like Nazi Germany (right) and
the Soviet Union (left). Neither of these other options appeal to me
very much, so I'm more than happy to keep our current flawed system until
someone can come up with a better one.


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