Date: Thu Apr 04 2002 - 01:02:07 PST
Dear Listers,
Please see below for details of this event in Yorkshire, UK. If you are
interested, please contact Denise Ingall directly.
Kind regards...
My name is Denise Ingall and I am the Special Events Co-Ordinator for the
Halifax Charity Gala. The event is a one-day event which raises money for
charities in West Yorkshire. The gala this year is to be held on Saturday 8th
June in Halifax and I am hoping to organise a static display of ex-military
vehicles of all shapes and sizes to add extra interest to the event. Please
could you publicise the event via your newsletter or if you know anyone who
may be interested in joining us ask them to contact me. My dettails are
E-mail - dcingall @ aol com , tel. (01422) 248156, mail - DENDALE, 2 School
Lane, Holmfield, Halifax, West Yorks, HX2 9SG.
Thank you in advance for your help.
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